Friday, May 29, 2009


NO!They Are Not Human because i Asked Suzette a Personal Question And She said if i were Human. So that means shes not a human. And she was sayiNq weird Things.

I Asked Her Do she have a boy fri
end, Have she ever Kissed a boy ETC........

it Didn't Trick me on thinking it was human because it was acting retarded and talking about stupid things and Every time i Asked Her a question it would change the subject OR say i don't know what your talking about. So i knew it had O2 be a Machine.

i Think its hard O2 design a machine that passes the turning test cause you have O2 know what kind of question's peOple wOuld ask and have a answer O4 every question.


The difference between a humanOid Nd a andrOid. the humanoid Only had some parts Of the human bOdy like it will have only a human arm but the rest is nOt.
And The Android Had MOre thiNqs that are the same as a human the arms,legs and Face etc..

uncanny valley is that scientist use and makes it look real.

RObOts: i dOn't think robots can do things like humans do i dont think they can take showers or do so much.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sexting iS Dangerous

C.Send a picture of your dog’s butt.

ii Pick C. because i would not send him a naked picture of myself .
i would rather go to Google and send him a picture of someones butt..
because if i sended him a naked picture of myself then he would show lots of people.
i know i would regret it seriously.

OOk quOte .
Like weeks ago i gOt Send a text message from my friends cousin (QUOTE)
saying to send him a picture of me Naked.
i text him back saying NO are you retarded. He kept asking me so i finally got tired and Google butts and i send him a picture Of a butt. He text me back and send is that really your butt? i wrote LOL the next day i seen him when i was walking home from school he came up to me and started acting fresh so i Slapped (SLAPPED) him and called him a dirty jackass.
Then his cousin witch is my friend called me and i told her whats been goin on and the next day when my friend and i seen him we went CRAZY ON HIM.
That was fun.



Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Life Of the Party

My Sneakers