Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Shay's Answers. (:

-What information and images are OK to post? What’s not OK to post?

Uhmmmmm imagesss && information that aree okk tu post is like images with your family&&friendss, youu could put what you likee and other stuff you like tuu do. Stuff that isnt okk tuu post is like nuddity photos or other people nudded togethur Or likee ' Sexy ' Photoos. Itss bad tuu put where you live &Or yurr age tuu because there are oLd men or actually eniione whuu wouldd staLk yew & dey gonna come find yew and do bad stuff tu yew.

-Have you ever posted something online that embarrassed you or got you into trouble?

Nahhh i  dnt thinkk i havee ever posted something bad onLine. (: Dee only thing i kinda got in trouble for was ah photo i put of the middLe finger =O Myy Mami saw ith && she complainedd . Sheesh . Shee sed ith wasnt Lady likee .

-Is there any way to guarantee complete privacy when you post things online?

DefinetLyy NO ! weLL they might have options tuu put ith privatee but other people have ways tuu hack yurr stuff && dey gunnuh end up seeinq all yurr privacyy. So i suggestt iff yew havee sumfinqq yew want no one tuu see, Keep ith tuu yurrseLff && dnt postt ith eniiwheree . 

-How might things you post online affect your future?

Ithh can affect yuur futuree because when yew apply for jobss and stuff, theyy going tuu prolly look yew up onLinee tuu see iff yew do eniithinqq bad or justt tuu look for yurr records. && iff they see eniithinq badd cominq from yew, they gunnuh bee lykee ohhh they imature or that ohhh they dnt think yew'ree enn ok persiin cause of the things yew do/ or did. Rememburrr thee internet doesnt aLweys delete yurr stuff so itths possiblee tuu loook ith up again.

Well.............Bye LOL



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