Monday, June 21, 2010

Remote control war.

1. How is fighting an enemy with predator drones different from fighting hand-to-hand combat? How is it similar?

Its different from fighting hand to hand because its more fare cause your using your hands as weapons and can strangle each other, and fighting had to hand is different because your not up in a plane chasing the predator from up in the sky & blow the predator up.& not use bombs or any other strong weapon.& different,cause then theres no bullets or anything that can blow you up. & because your in the air flying & your shouting and killing the predators, & it's kinda similar cause its fighting and they're purposly trying to destroy each other.

2. Is fair to fight with predator drones when your enemy doesn’t have that technology?
No its not fair because than the enemy doesn't have anything to protect itself with, & the predator takes anvantage & wins the fight.

3. Would you be interested in flying predator drones for the military? Why or why not?
No, i would not be interested in flying predator drones for the military cause its not safe , i wouldnt be interested in anything like that.

Friday, June 18, 2010

War simulations

3 advantages that I have is that it trains people that are going to war, another is that it helps people so they can have good aim in shooting, and they accidently kill the innocent people & not the bad people.

I think that in 10 years this technology will look better than it does now,because the technology we have now is better than it was years ago.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bottled water comic

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wacky Web Tales [LOL]

This is going to be the most 5 summer ever. I am going to sleep until 2:50. Then I am going to have pizza for breakfast.

After breakfast, Brianna and I will go to the beach and build sand shopping all morning. If we get bored, we will go down to the park and go roller skipping. For lunch we will have ice cream sandwiches.

Later in the summer, I may take a trip to New York City to visit Demi Lovato. Or maybe I will go to camp and learn zoo-back riding. I definitely want to watch Promnight 3 times.

Last week, my parents were talking about having me clean the Best Friend out of the garage. They also want me to ran the lawn every week. And I think they said something about talking in the garden. I hope they won't be too 3 when they find out I already have plans!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Shay's Answers. (:

-What information and images are OK to post? What’s not OK to post?

Uhmmmmm imagesss && information that aree okk tu post is like images with your family&&friendss, youu could put what you likee and other stuff you like tuu do. Stuff that isnt okk tuu post is like nuddity photos or other people nudded togethur Or likee ' Sexy ' Photoos. Itss bad tuu put where you live &Or yurr age tuu because there are oLd men or actually eniione whuu wouldd staLk yew & dey gonna come find yew and do bad stuff tu yew.

-Have you ever posted something online that embarrassed you or got you into trouble?

Nahhh i  dnt thinkk i havee ever posted something bad onLine. (: Dee only thing i kinda got in trouble for was ah photo i put of the middLe finger =O Myy Mami saw ith && she complainedd . Sheesh . Shee sed ith wasnt Lady likee .

-Is there any way to guarantee complete privacy when you post things online?

DefinetLyy NO ! weLL they might have options tuu put ith privatee but other people have ways tuu hack yurr stuff && dey gunnuh end up seeinq all yurr privacyy. So i suggestt iff yew havee sumfinqq yew want no one tuu see, Keep ith tuu yurrseLff && dnt postt ith eniiwheree . 

-How might things you post online affect your future?

Ithh can affect yuur futuree because when yew apply for jobss and stuff, theyy going tuu prolly look yew up onLinee tuu see iff yew do eniithinqq bad or justt tuu look for yurr records. && iff they see eniithinq badd cominq from yew, they gunnuh bee lykee ohhh they imature or that ohhh they dnt think yew'ree enn ok persiin cause of the things yew do/ or did. Rememburrr thee internet doesnt aLweys delete yurr stuff so itths possiblee tuu loook ith up again.

Well.............Bye LOL


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tech issues part 5 silence/noise

a) Are you someone who normally listens to music while studying? Why or why not?
No i don't listen to music while studying because it distracts me from my work and if i keep studying while listening to music i wont remember nothing for a test or quiz and i'll fail.

b) During the Techbrarian Distraction Test was there any type of music that distracted you more than others?  If so, explain why. 
No i wasn't distracted from any type of music. 

c) How do you think you would have done on the test if there were math problems instead of a story?  A story is easy to read and i understood it. if it was math problems instead i think i would of did okay.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Bottle of water.

1; i think bottles of water are  better tasting then tap water from your home sometimes and sometimes tap water tastes better. & i don't think bottled of water is cleaner than tap because it usually comes from the same place, and all they do is put the labels on the bottles for people could think there cleaner & better tasting.

2; Bottled water is made by machines. when its been used people throw the bottles away and they get sent to boats that take them & they fill the bottles up again & get sent to stores for they can sell it again they also burn it & or throw it away where there's a lot of other bottles.

3;i think peopLe can solve the bottled water problem by refilling the bottles up again when there finished, or stop using water bottles and use tap water from your home.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Game AddictiOn prt:2

I Think people become addicted to games because of stress, and when they play games its off their minds, all their worries, and stress goes away. I also think that people become addicted to games because terrible things happen to people in life and they just get lazy, and some people stay home all day with nothing to do so they play video games.
1. They become lazy
2. they develop habits and stay watching t.v or stay on the computer playing video games.
3. they forget about the important things.
4. they pay people no mind act like their listening.
5. They look tired, and get bags under their eyes.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Bri & kaykay

3.7.08 is wenn diss beautifuL Friendship started;Aww bri we been b'fs 4 aLOnqq tymee,we had arguments in the past buht itz nOrmal cuz friends argue & make^ we stiLL BesTFriendss Ur Pretty,fun & a gud persOn..We the kind Of friends tht u can call me a bitch..& i cud call yew a bitch & we stiLL BF's till the end....nO Matter wutt happens we aLweyss qunna b Friends. Ur strong & crazy & awesomee : ) u aLweyss qunna b My LindaCHiina iF Yeww ever need sum 1 to Listen 2 Ur prObleMss & nAwtt judge yeww den yuh cud aLweyss cum 2 meh nd i'll b there 4 yew.|We Besttys  4 Lyfe iLyewwwx20000 : ] 

Monday, March 8, 2010


1. The most interestinq parts of this documentary is wen i saw a baby w. a tongue piercing & a guy w. knife through his nose , & anOther guy w. piercings all over his face.
2. i thynk ppl qet piercings because they thynk there cool,& some of them look nice & some are juss crazy & they thynk its good to get them & itz there own style..
3. yes different piercings say different things about people cause some people over do it & it looks disgusting. if yew qet a eyebrow piercing well its jus simple & it doesn't make the person look crazy or ugly.. if yew get a ear piercing itz still simple & it looks nice but if yew get like more den 3 piercings on 1 ear then it doesn't look right..
4. yes i do thynk theres such thinqq as 2 much piercings cause ppl qet it in places where they shouldn't b & ppl get lyk hundreds of piercings on there face & all over there body..