Aliens =O
Alien: Hello Earthling. Thank you for conversing with me.
You: you welcome :)
Alien: May I ask you a few questions?
You: Ofcourse!
Alien: I have never been to earth before, can you tell me a little bit about it? What are some beautiful and interesting places I should visit?
You: you should visit the Gardens,Malls,Resterants.
You: What is your planet like?
Alien: its very different from earth. There's no animals,parks,stores,malls,hospitals.
Alien: You humans seem like you’re very angry with eachother. I watched people walk down the street and most people didn’t even look at eachother! Why is that?
You: because there strangers not everyone knows everyone. there's family and friends.
You: What’s it like on your planet when you walk around?
Alien: There's a lot of us (Aliens) eveything looks big in our panet..
Alien: Why does your home country go to war with other countries?
You: Because they don't get along, their not friendly..
Alien: It seems to me that what you call “marshmallows” are the best thing to eat on your planet. Why do you not eat these every day?
You:because there's different types of food. marshmallows are not food there snakes. its not something people eat all day everyday.
You: What do you eat on your planet?
Alien: We don't eat at all.
Alien: It seems to me that you do not treat earth very well. I see people throwing their trash on the ground, cutting down forests, and burning dirty coal to make electricity. Why do humans not care about earth? Is anyone doing anything about it?
You: No theirs lots of people that dont care about the earth, and theirs prolly people out there that do care and try to make a difference but it takes a lot of work. They cut down trees in the forests cause thats how we get our paper and sometimes they just do it to hurt the living things. Theres peope that are to lazy to throw away there trash in the garbage where its supposed to be. && sometimes people are selfish to help out the enviroment and treat the earth well like it deserves to be treated. =/
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