Should you or should you not get tattoo's??
I Think people should get tattoos because sometimes they look cute.They also have pretty tattoos and they look very nice on some parts of the body.I also think people should get tattoos because if they wanna put someones name on there body that had died that will be very nice and people should get them cause they look cool and that person can show the person you really are.
On the other had people should not get tattoos because there not good for your body and when you get them it makes you bleed and That is breaking your skin.Also people should not get it cause when you get the tattoos you cant be in the sun for a few days.tattoos are not good because like if you wanna get a job that you cant have tattoos they wont higher you to work.Also they make you look ugly if you get a dumb tattoo.!
Nice job taking both sides of the argument. If you were interviewing someone for a job, would you look down on them for having a tattoo?
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